Sotheby’s presents Four Decades: In Celebration of AIPAD, an auction of 19th, 20th, and 21st century photographs from more than 40 esteemed members of The Association of International Photography Art Dealers (AIPAD). Since its inception in 1979, AIPAD has been a respected authority for the Photography market and collector education. Four Decades: In Celebration of AIPAD will feature photographs by established masters of the medium, including William Henry Fox Talbot, Edward Weston, Dorothea Lange, and Sigmar Polke, as well as works by artists making their debut at auction, such as Ervin Johnson, Adam Katseff, and Alejandro Chaskielberg. For more than 40 years, Sotheby’s and AIPAD have continually set the standard by which the most important photographs have been bought and sold. Sotheby’s presents an auction in celebration of and in partnership with the leaders in the field of the field.